Visual Merchandising Principles

The Visual Merchandising Principles are a series of fundamental documents for the countries’ teams, ranging from 40 to 100 pages each.
This was a highly collaborative project among the entire Visual Merchandising team, with months of back and forth and several iterations to it, in order to make sure the most clear, detailed and appropriate information was communicated globally through these essential, non-seasonal documents.
While the previous version of the VM Principles was made in the form of magazines, we decided to create digital, interactive versions instead. This makes the user experience easier and more effective, it's more ecological and, if necessary in the future, it allows for changes to be applied without a re-print to be necessary. It's a win-win-win!

Visual Merchandising Guidelines

The Visual Merchandising Guidelines are a seasonal asset used globally in all full price, shop-in-shop and outlet stores.
For the full price store, alongside my manager, we created a series of interactive guidelines specifically for iPad - although also usable on any smartphone for flexibility. In this GIF, you can see the previews made for the internal app.
For the shop-in-shops, we created a pocket-sized, foldable, printed version of the guidelines.
All guidelines contain table set-ups, wall set-ups and mannequin looks, all explained and showcased in detail, defined collaboratively by the VM team.

Initial test prints for colour choices

Initial test print for layout, legibility and usability checks

Two guidelines pre-cut after going through the magenta printing plate

Each guideline is carefully checked